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“He is the image (eikon ) of the invisible God, the first born of all creation.” – Colossians 1:15.
A personal word
A warm welcome to this web site, part of the Christianity in View series of websites, which examine the Christian Faith.
This website examines the Orthodox Church (both the Eastern and Oriental traditions)*, with its rich and ancient tradition. There are approximately 260 million Orthodox Christians worldwide**, and they are found in many countries around the world. Numerically, the largest community of Eastern Orthodox Christians is found in Russia, and the largest community of Oriental Orthodox is found in Ethiopia.
* The Eastern Orthodox Church is officially called the ‘Orthodox Catholic Church’.
** According to the Pew Forum report on Global Christianity, published in 2010, there are 260,380,000 Million Orthodox Christians worldwide.
» Complete a survey designed for Orthodox Christians.
» View the Orthodox population of Europe.
Let us remind ourselves of the words of Christ:
That they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”
John 17:21-22 (Revised Standard Version – RSV)

Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Moscow, Russia.
I am very grateful to Father Gregory Hallam, who has been extremely helpful and patient in answering my questions about the Orthodox faith.
Father Gregory is the parish priest of Saint Aidan’s Church, Levenshulme, Manchester.
A Prayer for Unity
Lord, thank you for making us part of the Body of Christ. We praise you for your mercy, your goodness and your unfailing love. Throughout the ages, countless peoples have given testimony of your grace and mercy. We pray that this same grace and mercy may be given to us today. Though your church has faltered, it can never fail because you uphold it. May all of us, no matter what our individual denominational reasoning leads us to believe, serve you with openness of heart, gentleness of spirit and keenness of mind. Your prayer was that we may be one: may we strive for that oneness today, recognising our common bond as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Amen
Christian Traditions
» Websites are available for the Catholic and Protestant traditions of Christianity.
» A Comparison table between Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Catholicism may be viewed.
» A diagram of The Branches of Christianity is available for download (PDF).
May God bless you as you read these pages.
Iain (webmaster)
More Information:
Orthodox Church in America | Antiochian Orthdox Church | Orthodoxy for Beginners | Orthodox Wiki | St Aidans Church, Manchester |
Wise words:
“…What is the essence of Orthodoxy? It is the God-man Christ. Everything that is Orthodox has a divine-human character: knowledge, the senses, the will, the mind, morality, dogma, philosophy, and life…”
St. Justin Popovich (1894-1979)

The Trinity, by Andrei Rublev (c. 1360-1430).